Saturday, January 23, 2010

Supreme Court

Supreme Court The Court Judgment "We the Corporations"

We the Corporations, in order to form a more perfect monopoly, hold these truths to be self-evident; that all corporations are created unequal, that the biggest with the greatest net monetary value, hold the controlling rights to
credit, transactions and the pursuit of profit.

The Supreme Court decision to allow corporations to be "citizens", with the rights of individuals such as free speech and privacy, and the ability to spend unlimited amounts of money on attacking or promoting politicians will create a corporatocracy.

To understand why the court would rule this way, with what values, goals, etc. and to understand why this is so wrong, I wish to direct you to these sources, and then to a short discussion of Electronic Civilization.
Please look these up and .....look !! : Food Inc. , The Yes Men, Zeitgeist the addendum, Capitalism... a love story, Inconvenient Truth, UN report on Climate Change, The Venus Project, Legacy by Michael Wood, The Day the Earth Stood Still (original only), Forbidden Planet, The Nature of Sex (G. Page, Bonobo's), The Neurobiology of Aggression, (Sapolsky), The Corporation, The Day the Universe Changed (j. burke on pbs dvd) and LOST HORIZON, Third Wave (alvin Toefller), Critical Path (B. Fuller), Human Scale (k. Sales), The Evolution of Cooperation (Axelrod), Club of Budapest (l. Laszlo PHD),What the Bleep. These all have a common thread running through them which is; that we must move beyond this form of civilization to the next, which is based on the principles of sharing..... (not controlling) the Earths' resources and between people. Based on reason and not military power and financial wealth. Sounds simple and naive. With billions in poverty and billionaires in control with all the institutions of Government , Academia, the Military/Industrial Complex, Insurance and Banks, Oil, Coal, Gas, and Nuclear, Transportation, Food , in this INDUSTRIAL CIVILIZATION how can it change ? Competition for money and doing what we are told in our job is all we do. Conflict is what all stories are about. Male Domination and Market Share are what "works'. All else is silly idealism. ...... So it would appear , the brilliant minds throughout history have come to the conclusion; THIS IS NOT THE CASE. All the worlds religious teachings include the GOLDEN RULE, and include non-violence , with PEACE, LOVE AND FOREGIVENESS as the way to live our lives, ALL THE WORLD RELIGIONS. #2 The GREATEST SCIENTIST ever has said " The fourth World War will be fought with sticks and stones". Einstein, because it was clear to him that with Chemical, Nuclear and Biological weapons, disputes can no longer be solved by violence and aggression. Or the Third World War will end Human Civilization. The war of independence between India and England was won by Gandhi with NON-VIOLENCE. With Computer/Robotic production, Direct Democracy, Gender Equaliity, Lifestyle Equality, Renewable Energy (solar, hydro,wind, geothermal), Automated Greenhouse food production and world wide high speed trains we can totally remake the world and move into Space, the Oceans and onto vast amounts of presently uninhabited land. We can create the next civilization.
Like the Dinosaurs' the Corporations are very big and powerful, and like them they have vast needs which if unmet quickly lead to Extinction. Just like at the end of the Dinosaur Age, vast numbers of species are going extinct and the more evolved must hide from the all powerful. Yet as the monopoly game nears the end that all monopoly games come to , the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and as the middle class fails and there is not enough money to go around , it will collapse. The Supreme Court Ruling only speeds up the process as now corporations will own the politicians and will buy governmental laws that promote their agenda, which for profit will cut out all "unproductive behaviors" like pursuit of happiness with unauthorized substances, which they don't sell and promotion of those drugs they do. And every other one you can think of. Ending personal freedoms and justice are steps which increase their efficiency and bottom line. And so on...... the draining of wealth into only the top, will create unending terrorism, poverty and stagnation of society. It is not sustainable, it will fail, who knows when, but sometime it will. B. Fuller , Texaco, Mobil and Shell, the World Bank at a congressional hearing have all stated it will reach unsustainability between 2010 and 2025. Who knows, and how? Will it be slow or quick ? Will it be Military War with China, Russia, EU, US, Muslim vs Christian vs Jews vs Hindu vs undeveloped countries ??? Will it be Economic Collapse, with famine, disease and riots ?
We are in transition with all the issues of Civil Rights (abortion, marriage for homo, bi and poly sexualities, religious/recreational substances (legalizing marijuana, etc.), naturism, freedom of speech, childrens education and religion and others being fought over in courts around the world. The way is clear of : Understanding with Love not making up laws and rules.
We will change, or we will go extinct. The global corporate totalitarian state is a real danger now, however it is also so fragile , and as the worlds economies are not sustainable collapse will come and we will see how it goes. The best course is to go for a Solar home, local Organic Gardens, developing communities of goods and services with close friendships. Go for an Electric Car and bike/walk all you can. The less debt you can carry , and the more natural your living environment , the better. Carry On !!
We must pass a Constitutional Amendment to end corporations being considered as "citizens" , entities which exist only for profit for the few at the expense of the many are immoral. They have immortality, vast wealth and protections of private armies like Blackwater and do not serve the will of THE PEOPLE, they are not good for our Planet. Lets work on this together. May your life be guided by LOVE TED

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