Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Democracy, Population and Technology

Democracy is History. Corporations rule the World. 
       Good, Evil and Neutrality are the only issues. 
We are seeing the Arab world explode with "democratic" revolutions against the dictatorships and "constitutional monarchies" etc. The complexity of actions/inactions and the reasons for it are in hot debate. The massive suffering is unreal;  killings, torturings, amputations, losses of loved ones.
     The nuclear accident caused by the earthquake/tsunami in Japan is proving once again that nuclear electricity generation is a very, very bad idea. Even the Russian accident in 1957 is in the news as the residents of the area are still effected to this day as the 200,000 year half life of radiation effects is still contaminating the area and its river. People are suffering from the Chernobyl accident indefinitely as well. Nuclear has so many hidden costs economically and with radiation dangers such as its mining and refining, disposal and cost per lifetime of the plants, without even starting into the operational and meltdown, war target, and nuclear weapons production categories !! The human race must get the Industrial/capitalist/monopoly civilization replaced by the Electronic Civilization as soon as possible. We must GO SOLAR, we must MAKE LOVE NOT WAR. No More Nukes !! Japan has radiation distributions of toxic levels in the water, air and food of the region, the devastation of the nuclear plant is a disaster which will be a hazard and expense for many years, and the horrific devastation by the earthquake/tsunami is so hard on the people as well. I feel so sorry for all the worlds suffering people. Especially since it is unnecessary !! There are earthquake resistant monolithic dome buildings and homes available ! There is Solar ( all Renewables) instead of Nukes, there is financial/infrastructure warfare instead of fighting. If one were to offer every one in a country a car or house if they would not obey a single command from the ruling organizations, those regimes would be out of power immediately. But again the financial world doesn't care about good or evil or democracy. It only cares and acts for its own profit. 
     Back to the Arab world. Self-defense is all the population needs, the removal of the regime must be accomplished by any means necessary (Elimination of the ruling organization can be accomplished by cutting off all their finances and communications ( all as in ALL). The total shut down of electricity (computers)water, food shipments fuel, all bank/commercial transactions. This was discovered by the Allies at the end of WWII when they started bombing the fuel depots and munitions plants instead of trying to engage directly as much and in review the military strategists said that if Japan had hit the fuel tanks instead of the ships it would have done far, far worse damage to the ability of the U.S. to fight the pacific theater for years. As new ships were sent from S.F. quickly but the fuel was far harder to get from Indonesia in those quantities now that Japan had control of those areas. So stop the violence by running them out of oil, bullets, electricity, in short the means to make war. But try to get that past the military/industrial money machine of today. ha ha They like using all that expensive , thrilling powerful exotic jets and tanks and drones and........the longer it goes on the more money they make to replace the hardware and the more population reduction.
Cut off the deals.This of course requires all the financial parties to participate. The U.N., E.U. USA, China, Russia, Arab League, Oil companies, Banks, Oil buyers like Italy for Libyan oil, etc. would all need to agree. Freezing all funds, all transactions not just silly sanctions, but a complete ceasing of all financial relations with the rulers. This of course is actually against the principles of Capitalism, which is the common denominator of all the worlds political/military/industrial organizations.  and microscopic targeting of infrastructure going to the ruling organization at its headquarters. This is difficult to implement because money is more important than the peoples objectives for democracy. Everybody buys everything with money if no one would except the ruling organizations money they could not continue to rule. Arm the forces of democracy. 
    The U.S. Government spends half its entire budget on the Pentagon/Contractors, it is the worlds largest seller of weapons. It is in the business of war for profit and control of oil reserves. It doesn't want to be seen as opposing democracy as that is the phoney front to the naked truth of corporate/elite rule. If the majority of the population is for issues and the mass media can control the message and misinform the population they can be fooled into voting against their own interests. It is being done on a massive scale. So many are fooled. Its is very inconvenient to change ones own ideology if it doesn't fit the facts. We would rather ignore the scientific facts and make up some, especially if financial or social status is increased ! I mean one must live right ?.......... What a stupid thing to do give up truth for lies... in the long run it will get us... as it just did in Japan and Libya.
  Democracy : is rule by the majority. ("You can fool ALL of the people SOME of the time, and you can fool SOME of the people ALL the time, but you cannot fool ALL of the people ALL of the time".)"The Truth will set you FREE", The biological evolutionary imperative is toward less domination/violence and more sharing/love ie: for example; Ocean mega eating frenzy with such creatures as: 400million years to 200 million years ago megasharks (megalodon).50 ft long, 50 tons. land based dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Previous to 100,000 years ago the mammal megafauna like Ursus maritimus tyrannus a bear which weighed over 2,000 lbs. Body forms have gotten smaller and less "weaponed" over time.  Humans don't have enormous sharp claws like a velociraptor or tiger saber teeth and care for the young is imperative. Our interpersonal violence rates have come steadily down over the centuries. In the Roman empire the statement "might is right" was the operational rule and life span averaged 21 years, and most young adults carried swords daily and died from violence. Today average lifespan is 65 + and most die of age/diet/lifestyle related diseases.
     The Democratic Philosophy creates systems which are more fair and capable of change towards greater justice, freedom and efficiency than other opinion based social organizations (capitalism, communism, fascism, socialism, monarchy, etc.),  because of the combination of: voting after open discourse, fact checking, and evolutionary pressure towards sharing/love culture and away from domination/violence culture.
Population: numbers of humans/density/distribution. 
     The population numbers have many effects:  social organization, food, standards of living, sustainability, mass media, mob psychology, etc.
Technology: the scientific inventions and their practical effects on society. 

Presently: March 2011 
     In the Arab world we see mass uprising against repressive regimes.  They demand more "Democracy". The Greeks invented democracy when the citizens of Athens defeated the Tyrannical Ruler from the wealthy class who was using the Spartan military to control them. After their victory the people sought to form a government based on the rule of the people, instead of rule of the wealthy elite. It was quite imperfect and had many discriminations and was easily corrupted, yet it was "the big idea" and it did function. The Greek Democracy first was invented in 508 B.C. just over 2500 years ago and didn't last long. Democracy didn't have a serious return until the United States was formed a couple of hundred years ago. President Jefferson stated that if there wasn't a revolution every 20 years, the wealthy would curtail democracy again. Of course he was right, it has. 
In the Arab world there are "revolutions" going on to end dictatorship and replace it with some form of democracy. It is very complex. The simple reality is that a fight for control of political/economic power is occurring and the violence is extreme, people are being hurt and killed and suffering is intense. That the good will prevail, that some form of a more democratic ruling organization/laws will result is not clear. The process of increasing democracy is under attack by the establishment in all countries at all levels. In America the staged 9/11 attacks allowed passage of the Patriot Act which repeals all constitutional rights by enforcement easily. The financial crime of the century; the raiding of the U.S. treasury and total control by the Privately owned "Federal Reserve' of the economy with the collusion of the top banks allowed the gutting of social services including teachers, fire, police and civil engineering (infrastructure) health care, student loans, pensions, even the ability to negotiate union contracts, etc. 
     Population increases from 1 billion at the early 20th century to 7 billion in the early 21st century and the growth of megacities has brought on many changes. Your majority is all a bunch of egotistical, mean and ignorant fools, who are playing monopoly with corporations and stock markets, buying politicians who do their will and make tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations while ending programs for society. There is no hope for a brighter tomorrow without total collapse and replacement of this civilization form. Government at best is thought of as the guidance of society by those who vote in the laws. So if the fundamentalist christians get in they can make a law making abortion or sexual lifestyles illegal, etc. anything goes, any group can take control and enforce its values on the rest. The corporatocracy is in control and is inacting its values of profit/market share over environment, social equality, human rights etc. We no longer have even a weak democracy we have the double speak spin of democracy wherein the "blue sky act" actually allows pollution, and the "right to work' acts allow corporations and governments to fire anyone for anything, anytime. Economic imperatives allow everything to be reduced to money, greed rules and all suffer, but the rich. Always has been that way, democracy is an easily corrupted system. Today however with TECHNOLOGY we have a situation in which total control can be obtained of the population by surveilance, economic employment, market manipulation, mass marketing by using computers, TV, internet, mass media controls the message and therefore the options. Corporations paint themselves as the providers of jobs, goods and services which are the real benefits of civilization, the ability to be rich too. In reality their positives are offset by NO LESS than the destruction of the biosphere and destruction of a decent standard of living of all but the elite. The scientific facts are in, but people make opinions and decisions based on social and ideological beliefs not facts, unfortunately, for most, usually. 
     We could move beyond all opinion based political systems to fact based systems wherein scientific information and its resulting necessities are accounted for and distribution of goods and services for maximum standard of living for all the Earths people. "with liberty and justice for all" as stated in the U.S. Constitution, equality should be in there too ! We don't need billionairs and billions in poverty, we need equality for women, all racial groups, young and old, equality the old blind justice is a value we must strive for to insure no one has a reason for terrorism or forcing their will on others because they have been repressed and denied equality. Democracy should be the free discourse of facts to form consensus. Direct Democracy is when all can vote on everything, with computers we can keep track of every humans detailed financial life, so vote counting on all issue by jurisdiction is easy. Open internet forums and voting would allow TRUE DEMOCRACY and make Representational Democracy obsolete. We don't need representatives anymore at all. Political parties are not necessary. Only the truth and GOOD are necessary. EVIL (ego, selfishness, greed, deception for gain, profits without regard to society or environment, etc.) is not necessary. Neutrality is a fiction. It doesn't exist in the real world, take for example the life need for water , you either drink it or you don't, you either die or you live by such action/inaction. There is no .... "well i think i can take it or leave it or not consider water drinking"..... stupidity rules ! These are only mental projections not reality. "The spiritual dimension is real, the Physical dimension is also quite real , but the mental dimension is all in your head". TD