Tuesday, October 7, 2014

International Reciprocal Trading Association

     The IRTA has assured that Trading Credits used in Reciprocal Markets are not subject to the laws involving Money Transmission currencies ! Yeah !!! The distinction was upheld in California Law because Trading Credits represent only exchange credits within a market For Goods and Services within the market ! They are not Fiat currencies with a real monetary value in another sanctioned currency such as bitcoins etc. that can be bought for cash and can be exchanged for cash in U.S. and other legal tenders. Trading Currencies cannot be bought or sold or exchanged for cash. They are only exchange credits enabling goods and services to be exchanged in a complex manner ie: that one doesn't trade directly, like apples for shoes, but sells the product or service for credits which can then be used to purchase other products or services within the market. They come into existence only as the value holders of the products or services. They enable complex transactions and ones in which are online allowing for 24/7/365 business and geographically expansive interactions. In other words, anytime/anywhere market based on Trading Credits.
     This may seem obscure and may seem arcane, yet this is one of the major pillars of Electronic Civilization. To create the new civilization we need certain developments to become operational . Key among these are: Direct Democracy replacing Representational democracy, Hydrogen Fuel Cell/Renewable Energy replacing Fossil Fuel Energy, Sex Positive Culture replacing Sex Negative Culture, Robotic production and services replacing poverty wage production through abundance and distribution, and Electronic Exchange replacing the Monetary System.
     Things have been polarizing as expected from those who wish to uphold the Industrial Civilization and its monopoly game of  megacorporations and institutions with their belief that it can be fixed and continued and those who wish to form a new union of the new Electronic Civilization models.
     Check out the website IRTA.org and see the letter from the president of the organization and the California response, excellent !!! Some things going well. I've been traveling the Southern areas the last few months from Virginia to L.A. with lots of stops in St. Louis and Texas. Happy Trails !

Friday, September 19, 2014

Book Review: Zero Marginal Cost Society  by J. Rifkin
 He has done it again........ Jeremy has written the book I would have loved to.
    A few significant differences from other "new paradigm" or philosophical understandings from myself in the Electronic Civilization White Paper; The Third Wave by Alvin Toefler, Quantum Society by Ervin Lazslo, The Turning Point by Fritjof Capra, The Critical Path by Buckminster Fuller, The Venus Project of Jacque Fresco and Zeitgeist Movement of Peter Joseph, include: 
1. I use the term Electronic Civilization for what he calls the Third Industrial Revolution.
2. He does not depict the collapse of the Industrial Civilization as inevitable.
3. The book does not establish the foundational mechanism of society changing from
Domination by Force to Cooperation by Sharing.

and maybe a few other points which I can't remember now ....he he ... one should laugh a bit , life is far too important to be taken seriously folks !!!

Point 1. seems to be just a semantic issue, but no, the significance is clear, this new way is not an outgrowth of Industry. It is rather a exponentially advanced production mode, in that it is not centralized production, massively distributed which is the definition of INDUSTRIAL. Now , yes I know he actually is very clearly stating that we will move away from centralized, mass distribution etc. but calling it Industrial is misleading. It is not a addition to our civilization of Industrial Capitalism which has as the top values Money/Boss , the boss provides you with a job and a job provides you with money with which you play the monopoly game. The monopoly game always results in economic collapse when the rich take too much and the rest cannot afford the price of necessities. Jeremy goes into far greater detail, examples, footnotes and has the authority to write this fantastic book which I admire. However in this correction I wish to state that all the above authors and myself conclude that what we are dealing with is a totally new Civilization model. The first Hunter/Gatherers used hand tools , fire and their own muscles in a Hide and Seek game to advance beyond the other apes, with the advent of agricultural methods we started the first civilizations: Agricultural; basically a chess game society using animal power and simple machines, cthen as we advanced to Industrial civilization we used fossil fuel power and engines to create the monopoly game society. Now we are moving to a Direct Democracy, Robotic Production, Solar/Hydrogen fueled Collaborative society game (yet to be named..... computer cyberworld simulation game) in which it is unlimited with sustainable methods and philosophies. So it needs a new civilization name ; hence : Electronic Civilization .

Point 2. I wish it was otherwise and argued/debated with my friend , Rani for nearly 2 yrs. at which time I conceded defeat. In short; Evolution from Fish to Amphibians or Amphibians to Reptiles or Reptiles to Mammals.... it is always the demise of the former which leads to the rise of the latter. This is no different; the old must pass away to make room for the new. The clash of values between the Civilizations resulted in wars and collapse of the old forms. For example the American Civil war, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution were all fought between the new Industrial powers and the old monoarchial Agricultural Czars, Kings and Agricultural South which wished to instate a King if they won. The incompatibility between the profit system and the near zero marginal cost society leads to an either or situation. It must collapse before the new "free" and sharing system can really go worldwide. Until then it must begin and it must grow , but it cannot " fight" or "win" against the powers of the present system anymore than a mouse like mammal could fight or win against a velocaraptor dinosaur, but in time dinosaurs went extinct and the little mammals became us, writing things like this...ha ha ha .......   .

Point 3. Sure he does go on quite clearly about becoming the collaborative society and leaving behind top down mean profiteers and he offers the best summation I have ever read on it ! However again the issue is more complex and has another critical dimension not mentioned and possibly not known or understood.
     We have the situation that the mechanism of Domination by Force or Law of the Jungle in other words, is what we have lived with for so many generations it is quite literally in our DNA, it is genetically conditioned to defend female mates even if met 2 minutes ago ! To fight other males for females and social status... hence football players public cases of domestic violence. We are raised in cultural conditioning that just like the dog and the bell, we behave in ways we are conditioned to.
The Bonobo show that society can function with the mechanism of sharing quite well for millions of years , literally. But it requires a complete reversal of the mechanisms we have in place. In short: our sex negative culture creates violence and the use of force in all relationships, adversarial intentions are the norm. We smash the opposing sports team, play bloody video games and revel in fighting for our rights. A sex positive culture results in harmony. Sex as Alfred Kinsey discovered is not "some" thing it is "Everything", it is what we live and die by. We males will do anything for money to buy sex in the form of cars, houses, trips, clothes, child care,,,, and females will do anything for male validation even genital mutilation and wearing burkas, getting made up like clowns and wearing 6 inch heels. We aren't even aware how much this influences our personalities usually.
 There is much more on the subject , which I have written about and you find yourself , but for here/now I'll just say the book in review does not consider sex positive society and what the implications are.

Now that I've cleared up those small descrepancies, lets review the book;
I've given it to my favorite cohorts and we all are reading it, and finding it excellent in its clarity, documentation and basic tenets. Lots of Love, Theodore

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summer ! Time to go Swimming !

LA California, July 2, 2014
Blue/brown pollution sky, Early morning, Espresso and Souffle at Panera Bread, (home away from RV home ! ), 9:56am, I'm off work for a two day reset, Hello ! 

Time ... time , time, here we are , well right now some of the zeitgeist is ; the "Supreme" Court has voted for dictatorship of the workplace, democracy, freedom of religion, separation of Church and State and other such foundations of N. America are gone. AS their decision to allow company owners to dictate medical coverage based on the religious views of the owners. Exempting the owners from any responsibility for respecting the Constitutional rights of Life, ( to abort or not, to have contraception or not , etc. ) Liberty ( the right to choose ) and the Pursuit of Happiness ( to live how ONE wants ! ) . That company owners can control their employees ( paid slaves ) in these ways is Unconstitutional to say the least and OUTRIGHT Despotism to say more.
 We are now in an Oligarchy ( http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746  ). 
Its official: http://www.princeton.edu/~mgilens/Gilens homepage materials/Gilens and Page/Gilens and Pa . So here we are . Corporations (legal fictions ) have been granted the Constitutional Rights of Natural Persons. So they have and will take over all aspects of life and we in N. America are just like China and Russia in Society Control, just not in method or style. It is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, Socially that is. In China society is outright controlled by the Rulers in a  ONE party system with all decisions of the Party final. All dessent can officially be labeled seditious and anyone can be incarcerated, without any appeal. But with capitalist money one can buy everything else but freedom, In Russia it is officially a democracy , but in effect the Rulers use the system of dictatorship, the people may dissent , but it will have no effect whatsoever. In the U.S. we have a democracy in name only as well only the dissent is technically allowed, but the oligarchy of corporations rules. The fight continues worldwide for freedom as always of course. In Hong Kong Thousands have marched in the Streets demanding Democracy, in Russia Pussy Riot led the charge for a while and in the U.S. the occupy movement did some awareness raising for a while. The Dinosaurs rule, the Monopoly game plays on. Time will tell....... 
      Just read Thom Hartmanns new book; The Crash of 2016, in which he shows historically that every 80 years or so we have had a Crash/War, and the next one is due , 2016 ! Amazing ! The cycle of greed, crash, war, recovery takes a generation and we repeat. Next one is on the way quicker than we think, didn't we just get over the 2008 crash ? Not ! That was just a fore shock. We are in for a really big one, could be THE BIG ONE , with all of the above happening, Climate Disaster, OIL price spike, financial meltdown, sea level rise flooding the storm ravaged coasts ! I sure I love to rant against the Empire, but in the End peter was right about the wolf, it did eventually come, expectations are a funny thing. We expect what we expect, damn it ! But life doesn't care what we expect , we get what is ! Like the man falling from a sky scraper , zooming past the 20 th floor, and asked How is it going ?, Just fine , he replies ! nothing in the way of progress that I'm aware of !......... time, time, time.........
     The Hydrogen News today is good ! (Hydrogen Fuel Cell infrastructure will replace all fossil fuels), The University of Santa Barbera has announced a direct, from artificial photosynthesis, hydrogen from sunlight ! http://www.hydrogencarsnow.http://cleantechnica.com/2014/07/02/india-plans-worlds-largest-floating-solar-power-project-50-mw/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+IM-cleantechnica+%28CleanTechnica%29com/blog2/index.php/hydrogen-fuel-production/hypersolar-artificial-photosynthesis-breaking-records/
And so many other things , search around these sites; 



Lots of Love, Theodore



Monday, February 10, 2014

       2015 is the Year of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car !
    ..... but ....... 2014 is Already starting them UP !! 

The Hydrogen infrastructure and other fuel cell devices are coming to market NOW !! Brunton has advertised a portable fuel cell , hydrogen canisters and even a hydrolyzer to refuel the canisters !! Looks awesome , can't wait to get em soon ! 
     I'm looking at driving Hydrogen Tankers for Air Products Inc. or other large distributor. I'm driving again , presently for Knight Transportation and have been driving in North Dakota Bakken Oil fields, and up and down the West Coast for Narrow Road Trucking. So good to get out of Oil and into H2 !! Had to do it to get back into trucking after 10 years outside the industry, and it was Hazmat/tanker work which I also needed. The ND trip was another outrageous adventure which I may memorialize somewhere later, just saying here it was very tough, dangerous and I learned first hand about fracking and the oil industry. Pilot/Flying J Logistics division was educational but also so mismanaged. I survived and I got out !!! So on to the H2 Future !!
     Honda has a fantastic new ultramodern design car , Hyundai is releasing their H2 FCV ; the Tucson SUV this spring/summer and Toyota has made the biggest splash just by advertising , and showing off at the Consumer Electronics Show and Auto Shows because everyone takes them seriously being the largest car maker and the most successful hybrid car maker with the famous Prius brand. I like the Honda s much better as I like the style and handling and Honda is the most advanced and experienced H2 FCV maker. 
     Other Electronic Civilization systems such as Direct Democracy, Bisexual Polyamous Families, High Speed Trains,  Computer/ Robotic production,  Automated Greenhouse Food Production, etc. are proceeding but slowly. Legalization of Cannabis is proceeding slowly as well. 

    Here we go another year ! The Olympics are on and the global climate change is too. 
We all need to realize that WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. There is only ONE humankind and we need to learn to get along together or we will all go extinct together. There is no enemy. There is only misunderstanding and evil to overcome. And it occurs at all levels in all persons and organizations. We must overcome it..... Shine ON !!!!