Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Experiences of Death and Dying by S. Grof PHD

     Recently read the above titled article from the latest MAPS Bulletin ( very well written , clear and brief. I think it is a good read on an important subject for all of us.
     The MAPS organization is having a conference in San Francisco that I think would be well worth attending.
     There are several good developments in the legalization of Marijuana front, Arizona has the initiative on the ballot and California has a bill for a full tax and regulate business model. The New England states continue to move forward as well. Of all places Israel is considering legalization ( I hope that will mellow them out). They have recently made a defiant (and stupid) stance by ignoring the U.N. , the EU and the US which are aware of the International laws which very clearly show that even E. Jerusalem is in fact occupied land owned outright by the Palastinians, on which new construction cannot occur. It is a slap in the face of negotiation. It is basically giving the finger to the world. It is basically a call to violence. It is basically stupid.
      The solution to the whole thing is of course simple, yet it is impossible with these attitudes and behaviors. The hate and lack of respect and tolerance is appalling. One would think after the Nazis and the Holocaust the Jewish people would be far more understanding of genocidal tendencies of extreme domination and violence, but no, just like the study of prison psychologies at Stanford University (which had to be stopped early) the dominators will grow more and more violent in all ways the longer they themselves are in total control. The new solution can ironically only be imposed by force from without to create a strong West Bank and Gaza community of infrastructure and prosperity from the International Community. I would love to see to it that justice was done and this criminal activity from both(all) sides is stopped. One World , One people, One Love, we are all ONE, we must stop this silly and deadly game. We must create a world of Love for all and end these wars before they end us.
     The new Health bill is a baby step in the right direction. So good the republicans couldn't stop it. But it was no great loss for Capitalism or for the Insurance corporations so they can't be too upset, they will, like in the medicare/medicaid, social security and civil rights causes be supporters after they get used to getting it.
     Today the sky is blue, the spring is arriving and the hummingbirds are at the feeder so , Have a great day !