Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year , New Chances for Electronic Exchange

Meeting with ValueCard this week. check out and see the initial steps to take toward a Resource Based , Equality Based Socio-Economic World. Electronic Exchange (internet/credit/barter) as in the movie "Lost Horizon " from the thirties, is the exchange of goods and services, with the value of the currency based on the products and services in the network , this is actually very different than "money" which is "political power" and can be owned, hoarded, stolen, etc. exchange credits are only good for 'stuff' in the network and cannot be "owned" and used as "legal tender for debts, loans, greed, etc. So "Reciprocal Trading" is a good step towards a Resource based Economy that needs no money or exchange credits at all. See The Venus, Lots of Love, Happy New Year. Theodore