Tuesday, January 26, 2010

3D Avatar Review

     My Friend Aileen Jaffa was a librarian at Berkeley for 20 years. She was quite wise and full of poems, a member in the Ina Colbirth Society, she once said to me, " there are only two kinds of movies, kissy, kissy and shoot 'em ups". Some I see try to combine the two a bit , but usually and for the most part they are mutually exclusive. Sharing/Loving etc. or Dominating /fighting are opposite emotions, actions and perspectives. Usually conflict is the central theme and who and what the characters can come up with to "win" or to find intimate/loving relationships. 
     Here we have a combination, yet does, for the most part fall into the "shoot 'em up" category, not that we couldn't have shows like cirque du soliel, merged with a Bob Hope travelogue ! Conflict is not necessary, regardless to what you have been taught about rules.
     We get, for mainstream movies a reflection of where our consciousness is as a society. Regardless of past or future, flintstones or jetsons cartoons, we mirror our own life and times, values and cultural memes'. Lord of the Rings or Star Wars , we see played out our own realities.
     Avatar in 3D is first of all a major breakthrough, fantastic in the best 3D productions for a major release ever. It is stunningly beautiful. It must be seen for that alone if you love beauty and the state of science in the art of cinema.
     The Story is excellent in that it is written with the "change" of a character, believable and in harmony with the theme. My hope with that was that it would go "all the way" into the understanding that is most important of all for our time, the single most important lesson for us to finally "get". Which is that we can no longer solve our conflicts with domination usually from violence or the threat of it, sometimes with financial force, sometimes with deception from a "fatal attraction" or betrayal of a close friend etc. But always with domination as the solution. We find phrases like " when we establish security, then we can start to bring back the services", and If we can keep the inferior ............ (you fill in the blank... racial, cultural, sexual stereotype) from taking our .........( again , anything "we" wish to control like : the border or "our" jobs , or the meaning of marriage, etc. ). These thoughts are reproductions of the central idea of the need to dominate in order to live or prosper etc. So if we can go beyond a few who understand this like Gandhi or Martin L. King, and the religious masters to all of us , we would really 'change the world" , creating peace and love in a new civilization. So easy to comprehend and yet so , so , so .... difficult to put into practice, because if one is a bully , one must submit or fight to gain peace and so we have the loophole of all time. If one is peaceful one will get dominated and yet to fight is to become the bully so easily. Like in the Jews being the victims of the Nazi machine, but now are the perpetrators of the same to the peoples of Gaza. There are many references to our present world in the movie , which is very refreshing and the understanding is written so well that Nature and Love and living within the means of the ecosystem , and to show appreciation for the balance of life and death. Bravo !!! But as I've said it sadly does not move to the ultimate solution of solving conflicts without fighting , but instead with teaching the violent and unbalanced that there is another way . That "unobtainium" can be replaced with Solar power and  fabricated chemicals, ...whatever the substance is needed for ..... we have technology that can recreate anything if we have the will and work at it long enough. That balance and finding an equilibrium with population, resources and exchange of all goods and services is not only possible , but absolutly essential to creating a world which is based on sharing and love instead of on domination and fighting.
    I'm so glad the "good" side wins yet as the avatar sais , they will keep coming. Of course could see a sequel like in the movie "Dune" , maybe the whole galaxy must be "won" by the "good" side before a new way can begin, but I don't think so. Really it is about understanding the new way is the only way to peace. Continued conflict with chemical , nuclear and biological weapons is suicide and the endless struggle by the "losers" will lead to endless "terrorism" and other sabotages of civilization. Or maybe the creation of a totalitarian state. We can do better , we must.              See the movie it is a step in the write direction as far as the story goes and the special effects and look is truly majestic.  Lots of Love, Theodore

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