Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ending Marijuana Prohibition: Constitutional Gov't

Prohibitions are laws or taboos designed to punish, reduce and eliminate behaviors or practices deemed unacceptable by a society. This Is "legislating morality," it is a form of domination by one point of view over the others. For all animal societies (except Bonobos and Dolphins), and our own throughout all of our history and prehistory, we have had the social order by Absolute Competition rather than by Relative Cooperation. This means in practical terms that we "fight" for our place, rights, laws, for employment and all social status. Status in females is primarily beauty/childbearing and for males is primarily authority/finances. Our Rights and position in a hierarchy are all "fought" for. Females have competition by  display and males have competition by violence, primarily in one form or another. We see "might as right". There are many examples one recently occurred in which a Smith Barney Fund manager; Martin Erzinger, ran over a cyclist causing bleeding from the brain and spinal cord damage, and he fled the scene. A hit and run of very serious proportions. He is being let off with only minor charges as the establishment prosecuter, Mark Hurlbert said, "felony convictions have some serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger's profession, and that entered into it". Clearly not blind justice. Clearly the might of social status, socio-economic inequality of the most blatant and "in your face" type. (11/2010)LA times. I don't believe the legal system of punishment and prisons help anyone at all, and we need educational and behavioral intervention, however the inequality of the wealthy being treated differentially is reaching obscene levels.
     The Founding Fathers of the U.S. Constitution would be outraged. They clearly set up this Gov't to be literally "By the people, Of the People, and For the People". They tried to set up a Gov't in which: democracy, the rule of law, equality and justice for all, and accountability, in short Relative Cooperation, would prevail and not the rule of those with Wealth and Authority over those without, those with only truth and good will on their side. Over the centuries the Constitutional Gov't has been overtaken by the formidable forces of the military/industrial complex, corporate empires, and the extremely wealthy. So that now in the age of electronic surveillance the nightmares written of in Geoge Orwells book, 1984, are true. The latest Xbox game has cameras on it to look into the room with audio as well and monitor anyone there. This is easily tapped into by the Top Secret America (see PBS frontline special/archives airing 1/2011),(report by the Washington Post). The People are being systematically dominated by our ability to exist financially. Employment/Income is "THE" factor for: justice in courts, travel, education, communications, food, and of course cultural values, behaviors and practices. The "Rights" of the Poor, the Sexually progressive, the entheogen users, all those who are not conforming to the corporate culture are abused. It is happening world wide and always has been by those in Power, however now it is far more total and far more invasive. The Spanish Inquisition was no picnic I'm sure, yet today most are unaware of the reality of the situation as we are conditioned to believe it is not so. This domination based society is based on absolute authority using the financial system primarily, to maintain and expand its existence and control. Quite the opposite of what the Constitution wished to create. We now have several social movements for Homosexuals and Bisexuals in marriage and "don't ask, don't tell", in the military, ending Cannabis Prohibition, Local currencies, funding groups which promote environmental and animal protection.
     The functions of the Government are to protect our country physically, from domination, provide for the general welfare, and to serve as an entity to administer interstate and international discourse. So in other words: for protection all we need is self-defense, for providing we need: (as in FDR's second bill of rights) Education, Employment,  Infrastructure (transportation, energy, media, food, clothing, and housing), and freedom from all those who would prohibit behavior, practices, and beliefs on the basis of religion or ideology not on mutual freedoms and rights, ie: separation of church and state and freedom of the press, jury by peer, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment etc.
So this is not operating correctly at all. We are still like animals "fighting' for domination and those in power decide what is acceptable or not. And those in power are certainly the biggest corporations and wealthiest and most politically powerful (white males) in a culture of ideology/religious thinking/behaving of "might is right", heterosexual monogamy only society, uniforms; like business suits, greed, and oppression of those who live otherwise is the norm.
We all are on this Earth together and we all need to get along together, "to form a more perfect union". To have a peaceful, wonderful, sustainable, progressing world, we must learn to use Relative Cooperation instead of Absolute Competition. We need to stop trying to use Gov't to control instead using it correctly only to Protect, Provide, and Interact.
So for Marijuana and other substances it is clear , that just as with Alcohol, Prohibiton does not work to control its use. It only creates a cops and robbers game in which the powerful make lots of money and the corruption of the legal system occurs and many people's lives are ruined. If one believes something is wrong, then they may try to educate others as to why, and the results will become clear. If it is a victimless crime it is not a crime. Strong efforts to help alcoholics and other addicts exist and should be expanded until no addicts exist. If you are for its use then it is clear the Gov't should not enact dominating laws/enforcement to try to impose some fraction of societies beliefs on us. It is quite clear the scientific proof shows Cannabis is far less harmful than Alcohol or Nicotine, which it taxes and regulates, ending the black market, inter-gang violence, federal/gang wars of the earlier part of the 20th century. The tide is turning for public opinion in favor of ending Cannabis Prohibiton. Cannabis is a fantastic substance ! Used in moderation it is the analog of Anadamide your brains own "thc" which has receptors in your pleasure centers, memory and movement, it is a real medicine for PTSD, MS, Chemo, Glacoma, Sexual libido dysfunction, alzeheimers, etc. Cannabis is a wonderful recreational substance that needs to be legal.  Yet so much needs to happen to do this. It is imperative that in the decades ahead we work to create a Gov't truly, "of , by and for the people."

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November in Sedona

The tragedy of this Dominator Society continues, some much pain and suffering everyday its worse. I use the sad news to reinforce my resolve to create a self-sufficient home. Some of the highlights presently are: the Federal Reserve dumped 6 billion into the financial sector causing more speculative bubbles as the price of basic commodities went up. The money which is meant to stabilize the economy actually does not in the long run, it is a stimulus for a short time and then more money is needed to keep up the runaway monopoly effect. Greed rules and the rich are celebrating the Republican party (Gov't by the Corporations) take over of the House of Reps. A hedge fund manager for Smith Barney, Martin Erzinger ran over a cyclist and ran from the scene; anyone else would have felony charges , the police sited "serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger's profession". It has become unequal justice for all . Blind justice is gone. We all know its never been really fair and that prison helps no one, especially real criminal minds it just takes them to the criminal college, however it is so blatant now. The police will even release press releases saying it directly. If your rich your good, if your poor your bad and will go to jail; paid for of course by us all in many ways and will support the corrupt prisons, and systems. Run for cover the End is Here. The end of Justice and Freedom. We have been watching it coming for many years and now it is quite visible for all to see who are not conforming to the Establishment and who are creating the Emergent new systems based on the new values of Society and Environment. T.