Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summer ! Time to go Swimming !

LA California, July 2, 2014
Blue/brown pollution sky, Early morning, Espresso and Souffle at Panera Bread, (home away from RV home ! ), 9:56am, I'm off work for a two day reset, Hello ! 

Time ... time , time, here we are , well right now some of the zeitgeist is ; the "Supreme" Court has voted for dictatorship of the workplace, democracy, freedom of religion, separation of Church and State and other such foundations of N. America are gone. AS their decision to allow company owners to dictate medical coverage based on the religious views of the owners. Exempting the owners from any responsibility for respecting the Constitutional rights of Life, ( to abort or not, to have contraception or not , etc. ) Liberty ( the right to choose ) and the Pursuit of Happiness ( to live how ONE wants ! ) . That company owners can control their employees ( paid slaves ) in these ways is Unconstitutional to say the least and OUTRIGHT Despotism to say more.
 We are now in an Oligarchy (  ). 
Its official: homepage materials/Gilens and Page/Gilens and Pa . So here we are . Corporations (legal fictions ) have been granted the Constitutional Rights of Natural Persons. So they have and will take over all aspects of life and we in N. America are just like China and Russia in Society Control, just not in method or style. It is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, Socially that is. In China society is outright controlled by the Rulers in a  ONE party system with all decisions of the Party final. All dessent can officially be labeled seditious and anyone can be incarcerated, without any appeal. But with capitalist money one can buy everything else but freedom, In Russia it is officially a democracy , but in effect the Rulers use the system of dictatorship, the people may dissent , but it will have no effect whatsoever. In the U.S. we have a democracy in name only as well only the dissent is technically allowed, but the oligarchy of corporations rules. The fight continues worldwide for freedom as always of course. In Hong Kong Thousands have marched in the Streets demanding Democracy, in Russia Pussy Riot led the charge for a while and in the U.S. the occupy movement did some awareness raising for a while. The Dinosaurs rule, the Monopoly game plays on. Time will tell....... 
      Just read Thom Hartmanns new book; The Crash of 2016, in which he shows historically that every 80 years or so we have had a Crash/War, and the next one is due , 2016 ! Amazing ! The cycle of greed, crash, war, recovery takes a generation and we repeat. Next one is on the way quicker than we think, didn't we just get over the 2008 crash ? Not ! That was just a fore shock. We are in for a really big one, could be THE BIG ONE , with all of the above happening, Climate Disaster, OIL price spike, financial meltdown, sea level rise flooding the storm ravaged coasts ! I sure I love to rant against the Empire, but in the End peter was right about the wolf, it did eventually come, expectations are a funny thing. We expect what we expect, damn it ! But life doesn't care what we expect , we get what is ! Like the man falling from a sky scraper , zooming past the 20 th floor, and asked How is it going ?, Just fine , he replies ! nothing in the way of progress that I'm aware of !......... time, time, time.........
     The Hydrogen News today is good ! (Hydrogen Fuel Cell infrastructure will replace all fossil fuels), The University of Santa Barbera has announced a direct, from artificial photosynthesis, hydrogen from sunlight ! http://www.hydrogencarsnow.
And so many other things , search around these sites;

Lots of Love, Theodore



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