Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 2011

The Missing Link
     The Solar Renewable Energy solution is often poo poo 'd because if the Sun doesn't shine or the Wind doesn't blow, batteries can only hold so much, batteries are expensive, they last between 5 and 10 years, take hours to charge and to replace cars would require vast amounts of battery metals that are too expensive or even impossible to accumulate in the necessary quantities. And for large arrays on the grid, the shortage of power from any lack of capacity would cause older fossil fuel plants to come online, and some like the coal plants can take 2 or 4 days to come online. 
     In order to make large arrays, cars and distributed home power feasible another energy storage system is necessary.  After many false starts and technical obstacles, HYDROGEN is that missing link to RE powered civilization making fossil fuels, including Nuclear OBSOLETE. Hydrogen can be made with solar and all renewables , especially deep geothermal. It can also be made with at waste treatment plants from the methane, and some (I think at Stanford) are researching algae which produce hydrogen. Fuel Cells which produce electricity from hydrogen are available in the full spectrum of power output from small laptop computer sizes to 50MW which is industrial power plant size. Hydrogen can be pressurized and trucked, piped and stored easily. 
     So we need to ramp up the whole RE foundation as quickly as possible, as we now have all the pieces in place to have a fully functional electrical off and on grid system no longer reliant on pollution causing fossil fuel !!! yeah ! Please check out: Youtube: Honda Clarity, + Solar/hydrogen home fuel station ( a 6kw solar array making hydrogen and fueling a fuel cell car). (Upstate NY),  (British Columbia). Youtube also has many videos on a person who has created a whole house fuel cell system with solar PV  and Storage. Experiencing the Earth with high technological capabilities that are not destroying our Earths' Environment and Social equity through electrical power generation not controlled by monetary systems is freedom and security that humanity has never had before. It is not "controlled" by monetary systems meaning that with open distribution power companies, oil , gas , nuclear and grid owners no longer have a monopoly on electrical power. Third world nations can leapfrog old fossil fuels straight to RE. 'Been a dream for a long time , but now it is the reality which we are moving into. All the car companies have hydrogen fuel cell cars tested and Honda is planning major production for 2015. has smaller fuel cells on sale now. Of course this could take ..awhile....... but it is happening .........  .... .. . 

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