Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November in Sedona

The tragedy of this Dominator Society continues, some much pain and suffering everyday its worse. I use the sad news to reinforce my resolve to create a self-sufficient home. Some of the highlights presently are: the Federal Reserve dumped 6 billion into the financial sector causing more speculative bubbles as the price of basic commodities went up. The money which is meant to stabilize the economy actually does not in the long run, it is a stimulus for a short time and then more money is needed to keep up the runaway monopoly effect. Greed rules and the rich are celebrating the Republican party (Gov't by the Corporations) take over of the House of Reps. A hedge fund manager for Smith Barney, Martin Erzinger ran over a cyclist and ran from the scene; anyone else would have felony charges , the police sited "serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger's profession". It has become unequal justice for all . Blind justice is gone. We all know its never been really fair and that prison helps no one, especially real criminal minds it just takes them to the criminal college, however it is so blatant now. The police will even release press releases saying it directly. If your rich your good, if your poor your bad and will go to jail; paid for of course by us all in many ways and will support the corrupt prisons, and systems. Run for cover the End is Here. The end of Justice and Freedom. We have been watching it coming for many years and now it is quite visible for all to see who are not conforming to the Establishment and who are creating the Emergent new systems based on the new values of Society and Environment. T.

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