Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year , New Chances for Electronic Exchange

Meeting with ValueCard this week. check out and see the initial steps to take toward a Resource Based , Equality Based Socio-Economic World. Electronic Exchange (internet/credit/barter) as in the movie "Lost Horizon " from the thirties, is the exchange of goods and services, with the value of the currency based on the products and services in the network , this is actually very different than "money" which is "political power" and can be owned, hoarded, stolen, etc. exchange credits are only good for 'stuff' in the network and cannot be "owned" and used as "legal tender for debts, loans, greed, etc. So "Reciprocal Trading" is a good step towards a Resource based Economy that needs no money or exchange credits at all. See The Venus, Lots of Love, Happy New Year. Theodore

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ending Marijuana Prohibition: Constitutional Gov't

Prohibitions are laws or taboos designed to punish, reduce and eliminate behaviors or practices deemed unacceptable by a society. This Is "legislating morality," it is a form of domination by one point of view over the others. For all animal societies (except Bonobos and Dolphins), and our own throughout all of our history and prehistory, we have had the social order by Absolute Competition rather than by Relative Cooperation. This means in practical terms that we "fight" for our place, rights, laws, for employment and all social status. Status in females is primarily beauty/childbearing and for males is primarily authority/finances. Our Rights and position in a hierarchy are all "fought" for. Females have competition by  display and males have competition by violence, primarily in one form or another. We see "might as right". There are many examples one recently occurred in which a Smith Barney Fund manager; Martin Erzinger, ran over a cyclist causing bleeding from the brain and spinal cord damage, and he fled the scene. A hit and run of very serious proportions. He is being let off with only minor charges as the establishment prosecuter, Mark Hurlbert said, "felony convictions have some serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger's profession, and that entered into it". Clearly not blind justice. Clearly the might of social status, socio-economic inequality of the most blatant and "in your face" type. (11/2010)LA times. I don't believe the legal system of punishment and prisons help anyone at all, and we need educational and behavioral intervention, however the inequality of the wealthy being treated differentially is reaching obscene levels.
     The Founding Fathers of the U.S. Constitution would be outraged. They clearly set up this Gov't to be literally "By the people, Of the People, and For the People". They tried to set up a Gov't in which: democracy, the rule of law, equality and justice for all, and accountability, in short Relative Cooperation, would prevail and not the rule of those with Wealth and Authority over those without, those with only truth and good will on their side. Over the centuries the Constitutional Gov't has been overtaken by the formidable forces of the military/industrial complex, corporate empires, and the extremely wealthy. So that now in the age of electronic surveillance the nightmares written of in Geoge Orwells book, 1984, are true. The latest Xbox game has cameras on it to look into the room with audio as well and monitor anyone there. This is easily tapped into by the Top Secret America (see PBS frontline special/archives airing 1/2011),(report by the Washington Post). The People are being systematically dominated by our ability to exist financially. Employment/Income is "THE" factor for: justice in courts, travel, education, communications, food, and of course cultural values, behaviors and practices. The "Rights" of the Poor, the Sexually progressive, the entheogen users, all those who are not conforming to the corporate culture are abused. It is happening world wide and always has been by those in Power, however now it is far more total and far more invasive. The Spanish Inquisition was no picnic I'm sure, yet today most are unaware of the reality of the situation as we are conditioned to believe it is not so. This domination based society is based on absolute authority using the financial system primarily, to maintain and expand its existence and control. Quite the opposite of what the Constitution wished to create. We now have several social movements for Homosexuals and Bisexuals in marriage and "don't ask, don't tell", in the military, ending Cannabis Prohibition, Local currencies, funding groups which promote environmental and animal protection.
     The functions of the Government are to protect our country physically, from domination, provide for the general welfare, and to serve as an entity to administer interstate and international discourse. So in other words: for protection all we need is self-defense, for providing we need: (as in FDR's second bill of rights) Education, Employment,  Infrastructure (transportation, energy, media, food, clothing, and housing), and freedom from all those who would prohibit behavior, practices, and beliefs on the basis of religion or ideology not on mutual freedoms and rights, ie: separation of church and state and freedom of the press, jury by peer, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment etc.
So this is not operating correctly at all. We are still like animals "fighting' for domination and those in power decide what is acceptable or not. And those in power are certainly the biggest corporations and wealthiest and most politically powerful (white males) in a culture of ideology/religious thinking/behaving of "might is right", heterosexual monogamy only society, uniforms; like business suits, greed, and oppression of those who live otherwise is the norm.
We all are on this Earth together and we all need to get along together, "to form a more perfect union". To have a peaceful, wonderful, sustainable, progressing world, we must learn to use Relative Cooperation instead of Absolute Competition. We need to stop trying to use Gov't to control instead using it correctly only to Protect, Provide, and Interact.
So for Marijuana and other substances it is clear , that just as with Alcohol, Prohibiton does not work to control its use. It only creates a cops and robbers game in which the powerful make lots of money and the corruption of the legal system occurs and many people's lives are ruined. If one believes something is wrong, then they may try to educate others as to why, and the results will become clear. If it is a victimless crime it is not a crime. Strong efforts to help alcoholics and other addicts exist and should be expanded until no addicts exist. If you are for its use then it is clear the Gov't should not enact dominating laws/enforcement to try to impose some fraction of societies beliefs on us. It is quite clear the scientific proof shows Cannabis is far less harmful than Alcohol or Nicotine, which it taxes and regulates, ending the black market, inter-gang violence, federal/gang wars of the earlier part of the 20th century. The tide is turning for public opinion in favor of ending Cannabis Prohibiton. Cannabis is a fantastic substance ! Used in moderation it is the analog of Anadamide your brains own "thc" which has receptors in your pleasure centers, memory and movement, it is a real medicine for PTSD, MS, Chemo, Glacoma, Sexual libido dysfunction, alzeheimers, etc. Cannabis is a wonderful recreational substance that needs to be legal.  Yet so much needs to happen to do this. It is imperative that in the decades ahead we work to create a Gov't truly, "of , by and for the people."

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November in Sedona

The tragedy of this Dominator Society continues, some much pain and suffering everyday its worse. I use the sad news to reinforce my resolve to create a self-sufficient home. Some of the highlights presently are: the Federal Reserve dumped 6 billion into the financial sector causing more speculative bubbles as the price of basic commodities went up. The money which is meant to stabilize the economy actually does not in the long run, it is a stimulus for a short time and then more money is needed to keep up the runaway monopoly effect. Greed rules and the rich are celebrating the Republican party (Gov't by the Corporations) take over of the House of Reps. A hedge fund manager for Smith Barney, Martin Erzinger ran over a cyclist and ran from the scene; anyone else would have felony charges , the police sited "serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger's profession". It has become unequal justice for all . Blind justice is gone. We all know its never been really fair and that prison helps no one, especially real criminal minds it just takes them to the criminal college, however it is so blatant now. The police will even release press releases saying it directly. If your rich your good, if your poor your bad and will go to jail; paid for of course by us all in many ways and will support the corrupt prisons, and systems. Run for cover the End is Here. The end of Justice and Freedom. We have been watching it coming for many years and now it is quite visible for all to see who are not conforming to the Establishment and who are creating the Emergent new systems based on the new values of Society and Environment. T.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Summer Trips

Its Summer again , my favorite time of year ! Just got off the phone with my good friend Wendy in New HampShire, she is fine and " like what !!?" may even visit ! Its nice to hear her voice and enjoy talking about all the issues. I'm here in Sedona ,  had a great time talking to Rani yesterday , she is a sweetheart and is enjoying, the Mediteranean , Hungary and Germany this summer. Yesterday I talked to friends in N. Ca and in Virginia have lots of good things and plans for the future materializing. I'm dressing up for a nice day , having espresso and treats, watching and listening to sexy videos and cumming !! I hope your enjoying your day too ! Lots of Love, Theodore

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lord of the Rings

Here is a brief explanation/interpretation of:
                           The Lord of the Rings
     First a work of literature etc. does not exist in a vacuum and can be used in ways not at all intended/forseen by the writer/artists. Of course the writer is living in this world (language, history,culture,values) and is a mirror of it. Also the writer is creating something which will be understood in the terms of those reading it , we can only comprehend in terms of what we know. That understood, I have understandings/insights into the representation of the Struggle of Good versus Evil, into the physical aspects of Earth in the middle of Heaven and Hell, characters which are representations of mental types. 
     Lord of the Rings
     The book describes a vision which is based on the real story of humanities evolution in terms of mind as revealed by the Greek myth of the ring (Gyges) that makes one invisible and the question as to whether one would do good or evil if one had it. The story of Beowolf etc. plays a large role in the "Knights in Armour" technology/culture.  Since ancient times secret societies have used psychedelic substances such as mushrooms and smoked herbs such as marijuana (first marijuana use 3rd millenium BC in Romania) at this same time Gold is first discovered to be used in old Sumer (present day Iraq). Gold in the form of a ring for safe carrying/displaying for status and psychoactive marijuana (hobbit pipe weed) use came along together at this time 5,000 years ago. It is very interesting to me. Gold or status/money/power and marijuana or higher conciousness/loving/enjoyment of the physical world and body  , a very interesting difference . 'Burning Gold" Pink Floyd: Stay;Obscured by Clouds 1972 is gold marijuana and "Money" Pink Floyd:Dark side of the Moon 1973 is a "hit" = song which has massive sales, is money. The drug market making money off users. Wish you were Here, is about the record company making money or usery of popular culture (but that is another story). So the Gold Ring which takes you into another world of power in the Lord of the Rings can have some very interesting considerations. Also the Gold Ring is a symbol of marriage. how better to prove your love then a present/enchainment of a gold ring allowing others to know of ones unavailability or ownership by another, or in other thoughts and feelings a 'precious" token of true love. The nature of those who wish to control others and create vast wealth at the expense of others use gold as a main tool. Evil is the spirit of Domination using force, Good is the spirit of Sharing using LOVE . Marijuana is traditionally passed around and used together to enjoy music, sex and food. Gold or Marijuana aren't inherently good or evil. Gold/money is a great medium of exchange or reward/pay for real work done on the positive side on the dark side it is outright slavery as indebtedness, jealously , envy etc. Marijuana likewise isn't all good or bad at all times but is about how you use it; going to heavenly feelings and experiences or wasting your time and energy etc. They general usefullness of Marijuana as a shared loving experience is far superior to jewelry or a medium of exchange which has now morphed into incredible control of all commerce and countries by indebtedness and destruction of all the worlds resourses. A resource based economy  (RBE) is now essential and legalizing marijuana is now essential , both to stop totalitarian control of Humanity.
     The world is going into the "Third Wave" Alvin Toefler. Which is following the prehistory; hunter/gatherer tribes , the first wave which is agricultural civilization and the second wave which is industrial civilization.We are now environmentally and Socially destroying our planet and are fighting for the survival of the human race as a free and not totalitarian race on Earth. In the Lord of the Rings it is the third age in which freedom or enslavement for all the world is at stake in the  battles for the fate of Middle Earth.
     "The East" is known as China, Southeast Asia, Japan etc where the mongoloid types live. "The West" is known as Europe where the Caucasoids live. The negroid races are from the south (Africa). The world in the Lord of the Rings takes place in middle earth in about one year. If you look at a globe, between the East and the West is America. The Shire in the Lord of the Rings has a counterpart in America; new hampSHIRE a place with the lowest crime rate and the lowest ethnic diversity in America. It is a place like Tolkiens' book place that is known for gardening, country folk, simple living and a hardy strength in its hardworking forest and field towns. Rivendell is so like Yosemite as to need no comparison beyond a photograph. I have a copy of the Hobbit which is illustrated by Tolkein. Its picture of Rivendell is nearly exactly like a photo I took from "The Four Mile Trail" looking down on the Merced river and the Awahnee Hotel. The pictures' sketch of the "last lonely house" and the river with bridges is uncannily like the photo and Yosemite/Awahnee is the last resort as one travels east over the High Sierra Mountains.
     The black Nazgul are quite reminscent of the Black Project "Stealth Fighters" which are all black for radar invisibility. 
     The Anasazi of the ancient southwest used signal fires on mesa tops to signal raiding warriors approaching which could cover enormous distances (chicago univ.), which is quite like the signal fires lit by Gandalf to call for the help in the onslaught from Mordor. 
     In German the word murder is pronounced "mordor". Fighting in world war I Tolkein may have had it in his subconcious. Nazi..... Nazgul..... 
    As we see there are many interesting parallels. I won't be able to list them all here now, even if I could remember or identify them now and they grow as new knowledge is discovered/forgotten. 
     The lady of the Golden Trees ( the Aspens of Colorado) Durango Sunshine.      
Who knows so much is forgotten , dies is reborn or does not come to pass. But for sure the world is heading into monumental change and civilization change. Good is at battle with Evil and the fate of the world is at stake. If this book is of any use it maybe to prepare our minds for such deep  efforts and hard choices between the forces of darkness. In the Star Wars story the SITH is the dark force, in North East Arizona a company from Texas called Sith Inc. owns the coal power plants being built !!  The powers of Coal, Nuclear, Gas, Oil are controlling the Government and Corporations in order to promote and protect their markets, opposing the Green movement to use the power of light ; Solar. The Light powers against the Dark powers. 
     The characters are types of mind. Old age like Gandalf being 7000 years old or Aragorn being 800 refers to their mental age. Being a hobbit or "Habit" is the dispositon which wishes for simple food , comforts etc. While the dwarves value work , industrial arts metal working etc. and the Elves are artists , musicians, philosophers, and scientists. "Men" have the type of mind which is involved in society and business like national football leagues and politics. The orcs are gangs and military/police mind types. In the book "Bored of the Rings" the orcs are Narcs (narcotics officers). Gandalf is a "bunko artist without portfolio" , I can relate I was accepted at San Francisco Art Institute without a portfolio , which was mandatory on the recommendation letter of Irene Dupont (paint/chemical co. relation unknown) my senior class art teacher. The other characters are rather excellent too , you should get the book , you really don't have the whole serious (gravity and its opposite; comedy) story unless you get a good laugh at it with Bored of the Rings !! Life is far too serious to be taken seriously. In reality we make jokes and comedy of things too serious to approach otherwise , hence sex jokes . Sex and the mating strategies are the most fundamental and important things in our lives . period. ... 
Procreation, lineage, venereal disease, divorce, inheritance, marriage, family etc. Critical. So naturally we joke about what we would like, writing poetry and contracts to entice and seduce, protect and control. "Did you hear the one about the ....... , you know we joke about the most serious matters. In Bored of the Rings it is clear what is up : Hippies ie; free love, sex, drugs and Rock n Roll versus Corporate: locked in social roles, attitudes, attire and hair styles. Short hair for war, long hair for beauty and love. The Narcs are after Dildo, moxie, pepsi (Frodo, Merry and Pippin) and other silly pop culture soft drinking , popcorn chewing incompetents who like sex and marijuana smoking and good music in the trees of forests and skinny dipping. The SWAT teams of Assault Rifle hatred are evil doers who love seeing others hurt, by treating them with disdain, violence, dominance and incarcerating them , taking them out of their "sick" culture of" hippy" laziness and truancy. Much closer to the real world than Tolkein. Another analogy is with ' The Wizard of OZ" in which OZ is the abbreviation of ounce , which is the usual increment of marijuana purchase. In which the poppies(heroin) of the field put them to sleep and the White powder from the ski (cocaine) wakes them up. the Emerald city is the Green city of Marijuana against the evil witch wanting to kill Dorathy and the dog toto ; toto in latin is total= Dog=God in Total ; the spirit with thy a dor ... etc. but again that is another story. The ruby slippers are LSD which can take you anywhere in to the sky. 
     So back to Lord of the Rings. We are in a "Battle of Everymore" Led Zepplin Runes, Trying to find the "Stairway to Heaven" trip to Love with the White Lady , in "Going to California' and "Four Sticks" we see the Hippie culture developing and clashing with the NARCS. A cops and robbers game where both sides need the other to keep the 'game " of making money going. Real life is not divided neatly into Evil and Good, in our minds, bodies and Spirits there is a constant battle of "Ever More", how much is enough ? Where does my gain equal others loss ? When does hunting become slaughter ? When does fun become abuse ? When do you understand "There is still time to change the road your on" ? and change .The forces of light and dark are quite real. I have been in a near death experience where i fought "demons" and have been to scenes on LSD trips that far surpass the most fantastically inspired artwork , Making the 3Dmovie Avatar seem like a childs watercolor, because it is real. Others saw these things too without the LSD so I know it was coming into our reality here. I'm not trying to persuade you, I know, I just wish to inform you of what I have seen and Know to be True. 
     The Lord of the Rings is the best story I know of including Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, and Back to the Future ! It captures the spirit of the conflict in a very deep way. If you look past the "story form" into the philosophy it gets very real and relevant. (Philosophy of Lord of the Rings; book). The value of immortality, the Elves who often wish for death to end endless meaninglessness, loss and pain or of the Men who wish for immortality which is completely futile and who die to begin anew beyond these troubles. Interesting issues. 
     We all make up our minds and hearts, we all "do or not do"(Star Wars; Yoda) , we all decide ; "To be or not to be" (Shakespeare), we all are in this together ; one humanity on one planet; "all is one and one is all" (Led Zepplin) and we must find a way, you must find a way ; "if you don't find a way no one will" Galadriel ; the Lord of the Rings is our collective Evil we must destroy it or it will destroy our freedom if not the whole ecosystem. One ring to rule them all is the NWO ( Look up this New World Order. It is the attempt to destroy all political authority of the democratic people by enslaving the governments and people with money debt. When your in debt you are enslaved. To throw the gold ring down into the fire is to throw away money as the controlling/ruling contrived system. When your food , water, air and rent, heat, electricity are all only purchased not owned and shared by all then we are truly slaves and when the job is lost to the corporate money gold you will be forced to be an orc or soldier or laborer under the hand of the dark lord , the LORD of the Rings is not the dark lord it is YOU.    please see, www. the, and see all the videos.        " My Father who art in Heaven .........Thy Kingdom Cum On Earth as it is in Heaven. "Life , Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"..... Toke ON !!! (Jesus Lives= Frodo Lives) see "Ringers" the movie too. but wait there's more !!............

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Scientific Method/ Resource Based Economy

Just watched some great talks. One by Michael Specter; The danger of Science Denial, and the second; Derek Sivers; How to start a Movement. I highly recommend them and wish to issue a few thoughts about those subjects. 
     From my perspective of a long life of working class jobs in Hotels/Restaurants, Alaskan Seafood (deadliest catch), 9 yrs truck driving,  6 years electronics installations (direcTv,etc) I have lived a life in which my philosophical, artistic and alternative inclinations ( ie:, videos by J. Fresco and Peter joseph of the have been unfulfilled aspirations.
    Some have advised that I must "go it alone" make my own money to do what I need to do and others will then join me. I have tried to "earn my own money" and have succeeded in paying my own way all my life in all my rents, foods, expenses, etc. yet I have not been able to save and form any foundations and have recently been hit without work or income. Also some have advised that I speak out and form a following which again would lead to a way to create what I wish for; self-sufficient, Solar, poly, community. It seems to me that I am ahead of the times and/or incapable of interfacing with the human race in this competitive society (bonobo vs. common chimps ie; sharing vs domination) and cannot make any further progress. Finding another career is seemingly hopeless as is making a community. I however continue day to day and try to stay happy and not make others around me unhappy.
     These Ted Talks are excellent and with the Zeitgeist and Venus Project can make a powerful message of what must be done. But that isn't Doing It. We need to DO IT, and you may make that happen.
     The Ted Talks mentioned are on Science Denial which is going on in many I know form last summer in Nevada City, CA where most of the alternative cultural people feel science (vaccinations/genetically modified foods) are outright attempts to control our bodies in some sinister way. I believe that genetically modified foods are good things scientifically but the Monsanto corporate profit monopoly and others are trying to corner the market and control us financially by it. They certainly control the farmers. The vaccinations are very good , but the paranoia from autism cases after vaccinations has created a deep fear. I believe the cases are coincidence as many studies in several countries mentioned in the Ted Talk testify to this.
     As far as the How to Start a Movement Talk goes; it seems to me its justification for my assertion to those who say I need to "get it together myself first" that I need to get a follower first. And then be equal and together and then get another follower and another, and then more and then many more and then ..... a movement will be occurring. So Where are you ? Please comment  Ted

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Experiences of Death and Dying by S. Grof PHD

     Recently read the above titled article from the latest MAPS Bulletin ( very well written , clear and brief. I think it is a good read on an important subject for all of us.
     The MAPS organization is having a conference in San Francisco that I think would be well worth attending.
     There are several good developments in the legalization of Marijuana front, Arizona has the initiative on the ballot and California has a bill for a full tax and regulate business model. The New England states continue to move forward as well. Of all places Israel is considering legalization ( I hope that will mellow them out). They have recently made a defiant (and stupid) stance by ignoring the U.N. , the EU and the US which are aware of the International laws which very clearly show that even E. Jerusalem is in fact occupied land owned outright by the Palastinians, on which new construction cannot occur. It is a slap in the face of negotiation. It is basically giving the finger to the world. It is basically a call to violence. It is basically stupid.
      The solution to the whole thing is of course simple, yet it is impossible with these attitudes and behaviors. The hate and lack of respect and tolerance is appalling. One would think after the Nazis and the Holocaust the Jewish people would be far more understanding of genocidal tendencies of extreme domination and violence, but no, just like the study of prison psychologies at Stanford University (which had to be stopped early) the dominators will grow more and more violent in all ways the longer they themselves are in total control. The new solution can ironically only be imposed by force from without to create a strong West Bank and Gaza community of infrastructure and prosperity from the International Community. I would love to see to it that justice was done and this criminal activity from both(all) sides is stopped. One World , One people, One Love, we are all ONE, we must stop this silly and deadly game. We must create a world of Love for all and end these wars before they end us.
     The new Health bill is a baby step in the right direction. So good the republicans couldn't stop it. But it was no great loss for Capitalism or for the Insurance corporations so they can't be too upset, they will, like in the medicare/medicaid, social security and civil rights causes be supporters after they get used to getting it.
     Today the sky is blue, the spring is arriving and the hummingbirds are at the feeder so , Have a great day !

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Continuation of .........

The News....So far this first week in February has seen the continuation of President Obama s' policy of attempting to appease the "other side" , and move in baby steps toward change in Social and Environmental fields. To be specific; He is attempting to please the "clean coal crowd" and the nuclear industry ra ra s' by offering them continued support, and a call for new plants, respectively, and he is giving the High Speed Train System a beginning by making 8 Billion available for studies and some small projects. 
     I feel that nuclear and coal are not good solutions as they pollute and have very difficult mining, processing, storing, utilizing (in big expensive plants), and waste removal, transportation and ultimate disposal. They are already functioning industries with strong backing from the establishment. Nuclear must have massive subsidies to exist as it is not cost effective now , with the cost of plants and the cost of Insurance, and all down the line. It is highly desired by corporate and individual investors only when the Gov't (taxpayers) will back the loans, so that if successful they will benefit and if it fails the Gov't will bail it out. Too big not to "win". It can generate power fast, and is "understood" by the masses. This of course is the continuation of business as usual as these polluting and dangerous energy sources must be replaced by the Renewable Energies. We already know we can supply 100% of our needs with Wind from the Great Plains and Solar from the enormous Southwest, and with the continued advance into deep Geothermal from the Yellowstone, and Northwest regions, Tidal from the Maine coast are also viable. IF WE PUT THE MONEY INTO THEM. But as the continuation goes the Establishment Corporations are getting the money and the RE is getting a token nod.
     The High Speed Train System could replace air travel and intercity travel in the future. Far more efficient and reliable than cars,  airports and Jets and far safer too. To have a real High Speed the trains need to go fast. There are trains designed that can go several thousand miles an hr. !! Even trains that go 300mph are quite quick and completely within our technological capabilities. If they run in Tubes or up on pylons above highways they could run without snow and other weather affecting their schedules. China is investing 500 billion in such a system, the EU and Japan already have High Speed Trains which can travel several hundred mph. We can do better if we stop the appeasement (however loud the howls from the establishment corporations and their employees(who could be retrained for the new system)).
     WE would all greatly benefit in the future from PEACE however, the continuation of the policies which benefit the Military/Industrial complex sales and deployment, (use and
replacement) of the weapons, supplies, personnel, drones, etc. in the War Machine is still gaining speed , despite the continued "baby steps" towards social solutions in Afganistan.
We are gearing up: to build a new base in Okinawa, mega expanding in Taiwan, and the build up for Iran Offensive. Again ..... to be Continued......... Shit ! We don't need WWIII   !!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

3D Avatar Review

     My Friend Aileen Jaffa was a librarian at Berkeley for 20 years. She was quite wise and full of poems, a member in the Ina Colbirth Society, she once said to me, " there are only two kinds of movies, kissy, kissy and shoot 'em ups". Some I see try to combine the two a bit , but usually and for the most part they are mutually exclusive. Sharing/Loving etc. or Dominating /fighting are opposite emotions, actions and perspectives. Usually conflict is the central theme and who and what the characters can come up with to "win" or to find intimate/loving relationships. 
     Here we have a combination, yet does, for the most part fall into the "shoot 'em up" category, not that we couldn't have shows like cirque du soliel, merged with a Bob Hope travelogue ! Conflict is not necessary, regardless to what you have been taught about rules.
     We get, for mainstream movies a reflection of where our consciousness is as a society. Regardless of past or future, flintstones or jetsons cartoons, we mirror our own life and times, values and cultural memes'. Lord of the Rings or Star Wars , we see played out our own realities.
     Avatar in 3D is first of all a major breakthrough, fantastic in the best 3D productions for a major release ever. It is stunningly beautiful. It must be seen for that alone if you love beauty and the state of science in the art of cinema.
     The Story is excellent in that it is written with the "change" of a character, believable and in harmony with the theme. My hope with that was that it would go "all the way" into the understanding that is most important of all for our time, the single most important lesson for us to finally "get". Which is that we can no longer solve our conflicts with domination usually from violence or the threat of it, sometimes with financial force, sometimes with deception from a "fatal attraction" or betrayal of a close friend etc. But always with domination as the solution. We find phrases like " when we establish security, then we can start to bring back the services", and If we can keep the inferior ............ (you fill in the blank... racial, cultural, sexual stereotype) from taking our .........( again , anything "we" wish to control like : the border or "our" jobs , or the meaning of marriage, etc. ). These thoughts are reproductions of the central idea of the need to dominate in order to live or prosper etc. So if we can go beyond a few who understand this like Gandhi or Martin L. King, and the religious masters to all of us , we would really 'change the world" , creating peace and love in a new civilization. So easy to comprehend and yet so , so , so .... difficult to put into practice, because if one is a bully , one must submit or fight to gain peace and so we have the loophole of all time. If one is peaceful one will get dominated and yet to fight is to become the bully so easily. Like in the Jews being the victims of the Nazi machine, but now are the perpetrators of the same to the peoples of Gaza. There are many references to our present world in the movie , which is very refreshing and the understanding is written so well that Nature and Love and living within the means of the ecosystem , and to show appreciation for the balance of life and death. Bravo !!! But as I've said it sadly does not move to the ultimate solution of solving conflicts without fighting , but instead with teaching the violent and unbalanced that there is another way . That "unobtainium" can be replaced with Solar power and  fabricated chemicals, ...whatever the substance is needed for ..... we have technology that can recreate anything if we have the will and work at it long enough. That balance and finding an equilibrium with population, resources and exchange of all goods and services is not only possible , but absolutly essential to creating a world which is based on sharing and love instead of on domination and fighting.
    I'm so glad the "good" side wins yet as the avatar sais , they will keep coming. Of course could see a sequel like in the movie "Dune" , maybe the whole galaxy must be "won" by the "good" side before a new way can begin, but I don't think so. Really it is about understanding the new way is the only way to peace. Continued conflict with chemical , nuclear and biological weapons is suicide and the endless struggle by the "losers" will lead to endless "terrorism" and other sabotages of civilization. Or maybe the creation of a totalitarian state. We can do better , we must.              See the movie it is a step in the write direction as far as the story goes and the special effects and look is truly majestic.  Lots of Love, Theodore

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunny Day in Sedona

Its cold, but clear as a Bell Rock, a great monument of red rock which is easy to climb and enjoy the view from !
     Here inside now having cranberry sauce and walnuts, watching some great shows on Heroes of "saving the world" like philip Cousteau, and Boulder, Co (where I lived for a year) which has a great "bike to school" program and a super recycling program. They showed the island of Samso near Denmark which is 100% Renewable Energy powered. Windmills return a 6% return on investment for the residents. Solar lighting, heating and electric panels also play a big part. Proving that total RE is not only possible, but profitable and practical. 
    Have a nice night..... sunday nights are peaceful , yes ?  

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Supreme Court

Supreme Court The Court Judgment "We the Corporations"

We the Corporations, in order to form a more perfect monopoly, hold these truths to be self-evident; that all corporations are created unequal, that the biggest with the greatest net monetary value, hold the controlling rights to
credit, transactions and the pursuit of profit.

The Supreme Court decision to allow corporations to be "citizens", with the rights of individuals such as free speech and privacy, and the ability to spend unlimited amounts of money on attacking or promoting politicians will create a corporatocracy.

To understand why the court would rule this way, with what values, goals, etc. and to understand why this is so wrong, I wish to direct you to these sources, and then to a short discussion of Electronic Civilization.
Please look these up and .....look !! : Food Inc. , The Yes Men, Zeitgeist the addendum, Capitalism... a love story, Inconvenient Truth, UN report on Climate Change, The Venus Project, Legacy by Michael Wood, The Day the Earth Stood Still (original only), Forbidden Planet, The Nature of Sex (G. Page, Bonobo's), The Neurobiology of Aggression, (Sapolsky), The Corporation, The Day the Universe Changed (j. burke on pbs dvd) and LOST HORIZON, Third Wave (alvin Toefller), Critical Path (B. Fuller), Human Scale (k. Sales), The Evolution of Cooperation (Axelrod), Club of Budapest (l. Laszlo PHD),What the Bleep. These all have a common thread running through them which is; that we must move beyond this form of civilization to the next, which is based on the principles of sharing..... (not controlling) the Earths' resources and between people. Based on reason and not military power and financial wealth. Sounds simple and naive. With billions in poverty and billionaires in control with all the institutions of Government , Academia, the Military/Industrial Complex, Insurance and Banks, Oil, Coal, Gas, and Nuclear, Transportation, Food , in this INDUSTRIAL CIVILIZATION how can it change ? Competition for money and doing what we are told in our job is all we do. Conflict is what all stories are about. Male Domination and Market Share are what "works'. All else is silly idealism. ...... So it would appear , the brilliant minds throughout history have come to the conclusion; THIS IS NOT THE CASE. All the worlds religious teachings include the GOLDEN RULE, and include non-violence , with PEACE, LOVE AND FOREGIVENESS as the way to live our lives, ALL THE WORLD RELIGIONS. #2 The GREATEST SCIENTIST ever has said " The fourth World War will be fought with sticks and stones". Einstein, because it was clear to him that with Chemical, Nuclear and Biological weapons, disputes can no longer be solved by violence and aggression. Or the Third World War will end Human Civilization. The war of independence between India and England was won by Gandhi with NON-VIOLENCE. With Computer/Robotic production, Direct Democracy, Gender Equaliity, Lifestyle Equality, Renewable Energy (solar, hydro,wind, geothermal), Automated Greenhouse food production and world wide high speed trains we can totally remake the world and move into Space, the Oceans and onto vast amounts of presently uninhabited land. We can create the next civilization.
Like the Dinosaurs' the Corporations are very big and powerful, and like them they have vast needs which if unmet quickly lead to Extinction. Just like at the end of the Dinosaur Age, vast numbers of species are going extinct and the more evolved must hide from the all powerful. Yet as the monopoly game nears the end that all monopoly games come to , the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and as the middle class fails and there is not enough money to go around , it will collapse. The Supreme Court Ruling only speeds up the process as now corporations will own the politicians and will buy governmental laws that promote their agenda, which for profit will cut out all "unproductive behaviors" like pursuit of happiness with unauthorized substances, which they don't sell and promotion of those drugs they do. And every other one you can think of. Ending personal freedoms and justice are steps which increase their efficiency and bottom line. And so on...... the draining of wealth into only the top, will create unending terrorism, poverty and stagnation of society. It is not sustainable, it will fail, who knows when, but sometime it will. B. Fuller , Texaco, Mobil and Shell, the World Bank at a congressional hearing have all stated it will reach unsustainability between 2010 and 2025. Who knows, and how? Will it be slow or quick ? Will it be Military War with China, Russia, EU, US, Muslim vs Christian vs Jews vs Hindu vs undeveloped countries ??? Will it be Economic Collapse, with famine, disease and riots ?
We are in transition with all the issues of Civil Rights (abortion, marriage for homo, bi and poly sexualities, religious/recreational substances (legalizing marijuana, etc.), naturism, freedom of speech, childrens education and religion and others being fought over in courts around the world. The way is clear of : Understanding with Love not making up laws and rules.
We will change, or we will go extinct. The global corporate totalitarian state is a real danger now, however it is also so fragile , and as the worlds economies are not sustainable collapse will come and we will see how it goes. The best course is to go for a Solar home, local Organic Gardens, developing communities of goods and services with close friendships. Go for an Electric Car and bike/walk all you can. The less debt you can carry , and the more natural your living environment , the better. Carry On !!
We must pass a Constitutional Amendment to end corporations being considered as "citizens" , entities which exist only for profit for the few at the expense of the many are immoral. They have immortality, vast wealth and protections of private armies like Blackwater and do not serve the will of THE PEOPLE, they are not good for our Planet. Lets work on this together. May your life be guided by LOVE TED