Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sara Desmarais: A Change in our Marriage

A Change in Our MarriageA Change in Our Marriage by Sara Desmarais

Her (hopefully) excellent writing skills and insights into the (standard model) male mind are so well composed as to transport one into the world she creates ! Fabulous erotic reading ! Very exciting, no dull or unnecessary passages. The love is the main thing, without it the romance would be gone and it would be like all the other sexual literature purely decadent, instead with the real love and mutual creation of new roles for their still monogamous relationship ( which she uses the archaic term cuckold, sadly). The detail of the sex is absolutely fabulous , Thank You !!
However ..... it is 1. simply male dominance by violence replaced by female dominance by violence this is not good and does not lead to real happiness. (in short term role play for excitement or in training for both sexes as in bodybuilding or skiing instruction, a dominant / submissive short term interaction is necessary but NEVER  a permanent , all encompassing control, or happiness and harmony is never found.
2. Degradation and humiliation of the males genitals to create submission ( does she want big ? she can get him to fist her no (real) man can match that and vibrators are incredibly is any mans penis going to stay hard forever and vibrate ? again this is only a tool of putting a person down, which does not lead to happiness sexual or otherwise. 3. She never gets with sexual liberation and becomes bisexual with girls so she is a hypocrite for making him bisexual. 4. It is NOT necessary to have a conflict at all in a story. Tension and Release can be very exciting without a fight of wills ie: read solotouch.c at you'll be very excited without conflict. 5. Where is the love of the other lovers ? They are just sex objects, very inhuman, no disease testing ? no thought of family/children and real love with all concerned. So..... if She were to read: Sex at Dawn by Ryan and Jetha, Sacred Pleasure by R. Eisler, Our inner Ape by Franz de Wall, Sara could write sequels in which the bisexual, polyamourous, partnership can be created and the sexual and loving could be ABSOLUTELY AWESOME !!! p.S. the breasts on males is a reality which does exist now and will be a new evolution in males. See trans and science lit. on males breastfeeding children and getting  breasts for beauty. I love Sara too.

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Friday, January 27, 2012

European Citizens Initiative: The First Step

Wow ! Direct Democracy Begins in the EuroZone !
     The unthinkable has become the done deal already ! Really caught me completely by surprise. This is better than sliced bread, this is the return to the invention of the wheel ! The beginning of Western Civilization. Now we don't have to try to reinvent the wheel anymore ! So.... what is the big deal ? What is this unknown, under the radar, Initiative ? .... Where to begin , ok, the beginning is a good place.
     ... So here we are in tyrant ruled workaday Greece around 508 B.C.E. and the we get the beginnings of democratic rule.  "Democracy in its purest or most ideal form would be a society in which all adult citizens have an equal say in the decisions that effect their lives." Wikipedia
     We are no where near that today. We have in reality a Corporatocracy, oligarchy, crony capitalism/representation, etc. In the Developed Nations and dictatorship, monarchy, and fascism in the rest. Which is all perfectly typical of an Industrial Civilization value system of Boss/Money, ie:  competitive monetary economy / Corporate Management control of occupational employment and government policy/law/tax structure. As the Monopoly game scenario of civilization plays out we need to evolve to the Electronic Civilization model of Sharing/Love values for survival and continued evolution as the Industrial civilization values lead from relatively benign ecosystem impacts and relatively stable political states to the continued competition for resources and money (which is based on debt) which puts us into Wars, economic collapse, planetary pollution from oil, nuclear and pesticides, ecosystem destruction, religious terrorism, global climate change, continued fascism in Russia and China , etc. etc. So to get from here (Industrial Civilization) to there ( Electronic Civilization) we must enact Direct Democracy. On all levels from Globally (U.N.) to nationally to regions (states) to locally (towns, urbanities) to individually (families). Read the "Democracy" and "Forms of Government" pages in wikipedia please. We must move to Direct Democracy, with Technocracy and Theocracy (true or real spiritual guidance) elements and inputs.  Truth Technocracy (mental or mind, rationality, The Scientific Method) and Love Theocracy (spiritual or soul emotionality, the Golden Rule) must be the center of decision making (Direct Democracy).
     The European Union has legislated in its legal operating rules the European Citizens Initiative. This works as follows: An initiative is begun by seven persons in seven countries online when one million signatories are recorded the EU has three months to review it and it will have a public review and then the EU has to explain its action or inaction on the Initiative. Media, the Initiative organizers, the EU members, etc. will make it clear what was done and why. This is the first step to real change since the U.S. effectively started the end of Agricultural Civilization and its system of Monarchy with a Constitutional Republic (limited democracy). It is a small step but IT IS THE FIRST STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION !
     To bring this to the U.S. would require a constitutional amendment which is very difficult, but not impossible. It will take years of enormous efforts, to get 2/3rds vote in both houses and ratification by 38 states, or a convention called by the states or unless a economic or other collapse occurs, pulling Corporate Control out of its seat of power. The Occupy Wall Street movement surely isn't putting Wall street ( Washington/London/Vatican , see youtube) power elite out of business any time soon, but it does show that "The People" are awake and beginning to oppose the horrific effects the establishment is inflicting on us all and on the biosphere.
     The recent breakthroughs in Energy (hydrogen fuel cell implementation) and Drug policy ( International Commission on Drug Policy report), Transportation (California High Speed Rail Project), Housing ( container homes), Entertainment (Tangerine Dream Tour), and now Direct Democracy (European Citizens Initiative) is bringing hope to the world !! Some things are looking up !
     So to get things going we need several Constitutional Amendments in the U.S.  1. U.S. citizens Initiative ( making online citizens initiatives a legal procedure which REQUIRES the Congress to have OPEN DEBATE and VOTE on the Initiative). 2. Ending Corporate Personhood and ALL Corporate financial input into political campaigns and lobbying (including all huge donations by wealthy individuals)( Peoples Rights Amendment).
3. Equal Rights Amendment ( making men and women equal under the law and also all other sexual orientations ) 4. Childrens Rights Amendment ( takes control of child labor out of the hands of state jurisdiction originally, and I would say should be a Federation decision process) .
     The last point I'm making is that while we're on the subject of government we need to understand and enact Federation principles along with the Direct Democratic ones. Read the definition of "Federation" in Wikipedia please. In effect it is that power is not Unitary  ie:  distributed from a central authority but is rather Federated by equal authority by all concerned. Very easy to say like E=MC2 its so simple, a three term equation, yet the implications are fantastically , incredibly complex. So , in order that this doesn't become a book, here is a short but somewhat incomplete definition as I see it. Federation is when each decision is made by the jurisdiction in which it applies, and is subject to equal voting by all in that jurisdiction. So if it is a national issue it is voted on nationally , if it is a effect in a family , it is voted on in that family, if is a global effect it is voted on globally, etc. The voters are equal and the issue is restricted to its area of effect. For example if the issue is abortion the woman pregnant and her impregnator man are the only ones directly involved it is their decision. All religious, family, and governmental oversight may only suggest or try to persuade , they cannot decide. If you don't believe in abortion don't have one ! Otherwise it is none of your business. If countries want more babies and are compensating couples from having children or they want to offer incentives for limiting births they may do so, etc. but they don't directly decide for those directly involved in the issue. If the issue is Global Warming then the whole world must vote on the issue. Corporations and governments cannot control the debate of online information but allow the Technocracy to state the facts and the citizens of planet Earth will make the decision and it must be enacted for the benefit of all. Whenever the facts make it clear (technocracy) or the emotional outcry is too great (initiative minimum threshold numbers reciprocal to the issue jurisdiction)(theocracy) then a new vote is taken. So if there is a huge outcry  against limiting  carbon emissions by oil polluters, or to others having "killed human life" (every sperm is sacred) by religious fundamentalists then if they can get enough Initiative signers they can have another vote on the issue. With trial and error, time and observation, the truth of issues will be known and the love of issues will be known ( Love is a spiritual reality) . As in the case of abortion:  the Love which is lacking in those born to those who do not want them is shown statistically to create more criminals and maladjusted individuals, etc. The Love conception of all zygotes and embryros being "human" (physical matter being loved) , opposed to the Love conception of an immortal soul (spirit being loved) incarnated into a body , taking on "life" only upon being a functioning  as a "human" ( ancient Greeks considered that two years of age without physical or mental handicaps). These opposing value systems ( love for physical matter vs. love for spiritual soul) can be argued to be meaningless as one side will not believe the other at all, however with a Direct Democratic government operating with Federal authority allows a decision and that decision ends the conflict. If Violence or other hateful actions are taken, that is a separate issue of the use of force, which is now under Sharing/Love values having replaced the Domination/Violence values, illegal and subject to correction. Not punishment for violation , but education to enlightenment ( evolving away from a crime and punishment , to a ignorance and enlightenment operation of society). The parties involved in the negative activity against the law by direct democracy would need to be taught the true facts and the emotional/spiritual love understanding that will then end the conflict. And so for each apparently irreconcilable difference we now face in this ongoing terrorist, racist, fascist, fundamentalist world we would come to solutions.
       So this small step for Humanity is a giant leap for the human. The European Citizens Initiative is potentially a greater achievement than landing on the Moon. Unlike the Moon landing that all humanity watched in awe ( the movie "Dish"), this triumph was barely noticed. But as the landing on the Moon has not created a space colonization with orbiting stations and moon bases expanding humanities possibilities for freedom by expanding into new territories, or stopped our Domination/Violence establishment leading us to economic collapse and world war, this can.

   A Sharing Society / a  Loving Environment